Modern Wisdom
San Diego, CA

Modern Wisdom

Per its eponymous series, Modern Wisdom distills knowledge from some of the most interesting people on the planet with some of the most captivating visuals, making it a must-listen for all podcast-addicts. The scope of this project outlines a conceptual app and website that enables users to save and download content, favorite guests, and curate feed to each listener's preferences. Keeping it simple, so you have more time to consume your favorite content.

One of my favorite aspects of this project has been creating


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Some of the workflows  or interfaces for this project can be under NDA agreement.

Just drop me a line or Book a call for more detailed Inquires


Beauty and function are universal languages and my goal as a designer has always been to communicate this to the user through digestible prototypes.

Good design speaks for itself while great design practically sells itself. Feel free to reach out to me (there's no harm, no foul).


Whether it's a business idea or expanding your personal brand, drop me a line and let's collaborate!

Use this form to tell me more about your vision!
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