Hi there!

My name is Cecilia, and I'm a SoCal-based product designer with a background in human psychology. For years, I studied human behavior and what made people tick, but while I was looking at everyone else, I began to lose the plot on what made me tick. I yearned to merge my creative side with my technical outlook to improve people’s lives and product design became the corpus callosum harnessing both hemispheres of my brain, welding artistry (the surreal) with strategy to deliver a product that upholds beauty and purpose.

At the heart of my work lies empathetic design – an intuitive language that is both visually compelling and universally accessible. So drop a line, share your vision, and let me help bring your ideas to life in a way that truly resonates.

studied Psychology & biology At University of California, Irvine. And Completely Switched verticals 2 years ago into product design.

B&W Photo

Product design became my Sisyphean task that I couldn't wait to get up everyday and conquer.  But unlike Sisyphus who was chained to his boulder, I was committed to my craft, not condemned to it. I truly love where design has taken me, from pushing my limits to adapt and pivot constantly, to untangle abstract problems into intuitive answers.  But most importantly, design holds a special place in my heart because it has the capacity to change the lives of an unlimited amount of people. My initial love for medicine was rooted in my ability to help people, but the hard truth is, if you want to uplift people’s lives, healthcare was only one entry point. Design gave me multiple windows of opportunity.

Сlients with whom I was lucky to cooperate










Product/Webflow Designer

(Dec 2022 – Current)


UI Designer

(Dec 2019 – Current)

Decide Agency

UI/UX/ Designer

(Aug 2019 – Dec 2019)

Yasno Agency

UI/UX Designer, Webflow Expert

(Dec 2017 – 2019)


Product/Webflow Designer

(Dec 2017 – Current)

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